You can easily integrate PayKun in your iOS application with the iOS SDK library and start receiving payment from your customers.

Note: This framework only supports iOS version 9.0 and later


Integration Steps

  1. Get Access Token (For Device)

  2. Import the Library

  3. Initialize the Paykun SDK

  4. Pass Payment Parameter and Display Checkout Form

  5. Handle Success and Fail Event

  6. Get Transaction Details

Step 1 : Get Access Token (For Device)

Go to the guide to generate Merchant ID and Encryption Key.

Step 2: Importing the Library

Follow the instructions given below to import the SDK library to your Swift or Objective-C project :

  1. Download and unzip the SDK framework directly

  2. Open your project in XCode and go to file under Menu. Select Add files to "yourproject"

  3. Select PayKun.framework in the directory you just unzipped

  4. Select the Copy items if needed check-box

  5. Click Add

  6. Navigate to Target settings > General and add the Paykun.framework in both Embeded Binaries and Linked Frameworks and Libraries.(below xcode 11)

For Xcode 11 and later, ensure that you have the framework added in Frameworks, Libraries, and Embed Content under Target settings - General. Change Embed status from - 'Do not Embed' to 'Embed & Sign'.

Step 3: Initialize the Paykun SDK

To initialize the Paykun SDK, you will need the following:

  • Device API key

  • Merchant Id

  • isLive (true for live environment and false for test environment)

import Paykun

class ViewController: UIViewController, PaykunCheckoutDelegate {

    var objPaykun: PaykunCheckout!

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        objPaykun = PaykunCheckout.init(key: "YourApiKey", merchantId: "YourMerchantId", isLive: true, andDelegate: self)

Step 4: Pass Payment Parameter and Display Checkout Form

Add the following code to your ViewController or wherever you want to initialize payments:

func showPaymentCheckout(){
    objPaykun.checkout(withCustomerName: “name”, customerEmail: “email”, customerMobile: “mobile”, productName: “product”, orderNo: “order”, amount: “amount”, viewController: self);

Step 5: Handle Success and Fail Event

You can handle success or failure events when a payment is completed by implementing onPaymentSuccess and onPaymentError methods.

func onPaymentSucceed(_ responce: [AnyHashable : Any]) {
    print("responce: \(responce)")

func onPaymentFailed(_ responce: [AnyHashable : Any]) {
    print("responce: \(responce)")

Step 6: Get Transaction Details

objPaykun.getTransactionByPaymentId("PaymentId", block: { responce in
    print("responce: \(responce)")

Test your Integration (sandbox)

If you need it for testing purposes you can use our sandbox mode by sending “isLive” parameter to false.

If you need it for testing purposes you should login in Paykun dashboard using sandbox mode and get your testing merchant Id and Device API key(access token).

To test your integration in sandbox environment before going like, you can use our test environment (See how to create one) and use your test credentials, You just have to use isLive=false in your integration, You can use test card details provided here for testing purpose.

  • Log In to your PayKun Dashboard

  • ‘Go to’ the Merchant Account under the ‘Payment Gateway’ section (If you are first-time-login then you will see the ‘Become a Merchant’ option.)

  • After the merchant account login, click on your profile picture.

  • Select ‘Test mode’.

  • Select "Generate Sandbox Account" to activate your sandbox account

  • After activating sandbox account,you can click on "Sandbox Login" button to go to sandbox dashboard and use generated username and password login.

  • Now you have to generate your Device API key from sandbox account from Setting-Security tab.

  • You can get you Merchant Id clicking on profile icon from top right corner.

  • Now you have to use this API key and Merchant Id in your Demo project for testing purposes. Note: Remember that you can login in Sandbox account from your Live account.

For Live environment

If you want to do real transaction than set "isLive" parameter to true and use your Live MerchantId and AccessToken from Paykun dashboard.


Question: I am getting an error "PayKun contains unsupported Architecture x86_64" while submitting the archive to the app store. What should I do?

Answer: Add below script in Build Phase > Run Script

for ARCH in $ARCHS
lipo -o "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH-merged" -create "${EXTRACTED_ARCHS[@]}"

For any Assistance

In case of any query, please contact to

Last updated

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